The next day, they revealed it had been about 7 on the Richter scale and has caused a bit of damage close to its origin in the north east of England. If you can imagine stamping you foot on the ground and creating such a thump that many in the UK could feel it, you can understand the magnitude of the energy released in this event. Any bigger and my walls could have cracked.
It ran like a ripple, making solid ground, trees, concrete and houses everywhere shake in one go - this is an unimaginable amount of force and connects us to the vast forces beyond our control that we mostly have the hubris to ignore.
Not many that I know were awake at that time and most people slept right through it, but the bed of a friend of mine shook as recalled by his wife. One person in east London awake at that time did not feel a thing though the call centre at LBC were inundated shortly after - he said.
At least in the South East of the UK earthquakes are rare and I shan't worry about it for insurance purposes just yet.